Monday 7 May 2012

Friday 4 May 2012

First Example of Show Reel

In my Show Reel, I decided to keep my images stationary as I didn't want to distract from the image themselves, as many have little details that would be lost if the image was moving about the screen.
Music copyright Lindsey Stirling.

Monday 30 April 2012

River Man Poster Concept

Poster concept for River Man. I used dramatic lighting to make the River Man stand out from the water as they have very similar colour sets, other wise he would have seemed to fade into the background. 

River Man Humanoid

Humanoid Appearance for River Man. 
i wanted to keep the overtly large arms and legs as I believe that these are iconic character traits from his original design that means that he will still be recognizable as a human. for instance, another one of these traits would be his sideburns, something resembling the cheek fluff that the River Man has in his original form. 

Wednesday 25 April 2012

River man - Final Concept

The final concept of the river man has been edited to make him appear more seal like. For instance, the large ears have been reduced to tiny lobes, his nose has been flattened similar to that of a seals muzzle and his irises have been enlarged to almost fill the whole eye. The original brows have also been darkened so that expression will be clearer.