Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Character Turn Arounds

Wolf Concept 2- Inserted the use of simple curves and sharp edges, and emphasized his predatory aspect by the shape of his mane, making it appear more shark like, and a continuation of the curve of his head. The brown colour scheme may be altered due to the character blending in too much with the trees when it comes to animating him moving within the forest. 

Wood cutter turn around, barrel like chest is emphasized by tiny bow legs and huge arms. 

Grandma turn around. Based off a Sea turtle for their wrinkly appearance and curved neck, no legs so when she moves it'll appear as if she's slowly sliding forwards. 

Monday, 19 March 2012

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Grimm Fairy tales - Backgrounds - Grandma's House

Background designs for Grandma's house, trying to keep the difference between red and blue a prominent aspect of the image.

Grimm Fairy tales - Character Concept 2

Altered the Woodsman, Red and Grandma, aiming for a difference in body shapes to convey personalities.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Grimm Fairy tales - Character Concept

Character development for Red Riding Hood

Grimm Fairy tales - Backgrounds

I have decided that for my third year film I would work with some of the Grimm fairy tales, as I have always found the original stories fascinating.

Possibility of using it for something along the lines of Repunzel.

Possibly something to use for Little Red Riding Hood.